House Groups

Connect & experience real life with friends in your neighborhood. We have groups meeting all through the week for student, singles, families, & seniors.


Jerry & Sandra Regal
Tuesdays 7:30-9pm 
Great for Seniors


Matt & Jennifer Layman
Thursdays 7:30-9pm
Great for Kids


Ron Brunski
Saturday 8-9am 
Great for Kids


Seth & Joanne Brown
Tuesdays 8-9:30pm
Great for Singles

House Groups FAQs

How do I join a group?

Frequently asked questions (FAQ's) help your ministry respond to the needs of your audience before they even ask! The trick is to think like a visitor first and come up with helpful topics.

How to lead a group?

Frequently asked questions (FAQ's) help your ministry respond to the needs of your audience before they even ask! The trick is to think like a visitor first and come up with helpful topics.

I need help finding a group?

Frequently asked questions (FAQ's) help your ministry respond to the needs of your audience before they even ask! The trick is to think like a visitor first and come up with helpful topics.

Monthly Group Meetup

Morning Devo @ Coffee On The House

The First Tuesday of the Month @ 7am